Lilypie1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The time has come...

We leave tomorrow afternoon for Washington D.C. and then Friday for Ethiopia :) FRIDAY!!

I can't believe we are leaving-it's like I can't wrap my brain around it! It's really happening!!

Ryan struggled for about an hour to install the dang car seats this afternoon, all the while teasing me about my car seat because it is leopard print. He thinks it will send Nora into some sort of seizure...what's wrong leopard print? I like leopard print!

Anywhoo, we then went out for sushi as our last dinner out as a family of 2 and then headed over to Tastee-Freeze for butterscotch dipped cones..Mmmmm, yum..... But y'know what? I can't wait to have sushi & butterscotch dipped cones with my husband AND my daughter (OK, she'll have to have something cooked because, yes, I know that raw seafood isn't good for babies) BUT I can't wait for her to be here! I just can't wait!!

I will try my hardest to post at least once from Ethiopia and I'll see everyone when I return :)


cathy said...

BEST WISHES!!! Have a great trip! Hurry home. Hug your girl!!!!

D said...

Bon Voyage (or Melkam Guzo yehunelachu)

Enjoy all the great things and let the rest roll of your back.

Of course you two may be oblivious to your surroundings as you spend all your time gazing at and smooching on your adorable girl!

Stacie said...

Oh, I'm SO EXCITED for you! I've been so busy with our new little one that I missed your departure! I'll be thinking of you all and can't wait to hear all about you meeting your beautiful baby girl!