Lilypie1st Birthday Ticker

Saturday, November 24, 2007


Yesterday afternoon Nora woke up from her nap and started saying "Dada"!!
She hasn't stopped saying it, really....she goes on and on and on and on with her "Dada story" She holds her hand up in the air to express the important parts of her little tale.
Her little voice is so sweet, it melts my heart (even though she is saying dada and not mama)
and her little lips do this funny Brando-esque thing as she talks.

I'll try to get a video of her-she stops talking as soon as she sees the camera!


Nancy said...

She gets cuter every month!! Ya' 'no what'jam say'n?

We were watching the Godfather last night. I love me some Al Pacino back then!!! Bah-da bing!

Bek said...

She is getting so big!! My Norah does this too (no real words yet thought). My son did this so much we called him "the preacher" because he sure was trying to tell us something..

Stacie said...

So funny! Love the hand in the air!

Nancy said...

Um, there should be no "j" in the "what'am".

It should properly read:
"Ya' 'no what'am say'n?"

Sorry Marlon, I dunno how ta' type.

jayme said...

Okay, so I think elijah has his first crush on miss Nora. He was just crying and then suddenly he stopped and looked at me and said "Nora?" so I pulled up your blog, and now he's marching around singing "nooraaaaaaah, noorraaaaaaa"

Tiny's Mom said...

Oh my gosh, Elijah is the cutest!