Since I became violently ill (again) on Wednesday, I have been afraid to eat. Absolutely terrified. Nothing sounded good to me, everything was blech! We had plans to go out for BBQ & mojitos for my birthday but I decided that probably wasn't the best idea.
Ryan decided that I could no longer live on ginger-ale alone anymore so he presented me with this on Sunday
A Baskin-Robbins ice cream cake!!! Mmmmm, my favorite! Please ignore how horrific I look in the photo & how messy my family room is. That man knows what I like.
So, that was the 1st real (I did have 2 pieces of pepper & an apple slice at Nancy's on Friday but that didn't really count, if you know what I mean) solid food I had in almost 4 days and Mmm..mmm..mmm..
Just in case you were wondering, so far so good ;)